On the surface, Narcissism can be thought of a condition of excess vanity. The term is based on the Greek myth of Narcissus. Narcissus was a sexy but cruel guy. As punishment, the gods make him fall in love with his reflection in a pool, where he ends up dying. Shoulda brought a Snickers.
The DSM-IV defines Narcissistic Personality Disorder a “pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy” with 5 or more of these abridged qualities:
- Exaggerated self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
- Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
- Believes they're so cool that they can only associate with the coolest people or professionals
- Needs lots of admiration
- Expects priority and favorable treatment
- Exploits others for their own end
- Lacks empathy
- Envies others or thinks others envy him
- Arrogance
To borrow an idea from Ethology, the study of natural animal behavior, we might look at the narcissist as a pseudo Alpha-male or female. The alpha male attains a level of status by virtue of their earned status, size, aggression, and minimal self-doubt. The narcissist, on the other hand, fakes these qualities.
The key difference could be said to be the self-image that both maintain: the alpha holds a strong, unshakable self-image while the narcissist holds a fragile, “defective” self-image* that is buried in pretension. The narcissist is deeply afraid of the way they see themselves and they overcompensate for that by projecting a image of status, power, and dominance. They collect what psychologists call narcissistic supplies: flashy cars, expensive clothes, membership in exclusive groups, high-status friends and associates, and anything else you might expect from someone who’s desperately trying to get you to see them as important. The narcissist’s behavior is also aimed at creating a façade of importance, doing things that only privileged people would do and refusing to do things that are “below them.” I’ll collectively call these the alpha persona. (Personas were the masks worn by Greek actors through which they would sing and act.)
He is ultimately needy, not self-sufficient and secure like his dominant counter-part; he is desperate to see himself as superior and is desperate to have others validate him. His desperation turns into a form of addiction.
Therapy for narcissism aims at exposing the defective false self and encouraging the client to accept it so the narcissist can drop the alpha persona and form authentic relationships based in intimacy and trust.
* No one’s self-image is inherently defective, of course. Self-images are neutral on their own. But the narcissist sees himself as inherently defective and unacceptable.
a perfect picture of what makes a true narcissist and i agree, the diagnosis code doesnt give you a feel for a real live one. Knowing that"The alpha male attains a level of status by virtue of their earned status....The narcissist, on the other hand, fakes these qualities." FAKES THESE QUALITIES is a sanity saver. If i didnt realize this early on in my involvement with a narcissist I would've gone c r a z y. For awhile i thought i was losing it. NOTHING made sense. Everything was upside down. Once you realize -it's not you - it's totally them, you feel like the lights go back on. you aren't nuts. they are desperate fakers masquerading as an Alpha Male/Female. HA! Quite sad actually. The burden of impressing others ALL the time must weigh a ton...and to never be able to let down your guard. awful!anyway great profile on the disorder. thanks. question - they present a false self to the world, is there actually a real self somewhere in there???or do they have to develop a real self?
Great comment! It's cool to see how you identified that they're actually suffering ("sad" as you put it) rather than just vindictive jackasses.
And yes, Psychodynamic theorists would say that underneath the alpha facade is a "real self" that feels inferior, failing, and worried.
Very good analysis. Thanks.
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